Standard South African
Vocal Style
Hard Sell
Medium Sell
Soft Sell
Reading Age
25 - 34
Siviwe Dubeni is originally from the Eastern Cape but is now based in Cape Town. He has experience as a promoter, and radio DJ at his local community radio station, and is also developing his Hip-Hop career. He is fiercely motivated to try and learn new things and to gain experience in the voice-over world. he is most comfortable working in isiXhosa.
Standard South African
Vocal Style
Hard Sell
Medium Sell
Soft Sell
Reading Age
25 - 34
Siviwe Dubeni is originally from the Eastern Cape but is now based in Cape Town. He has experience as a promoter, and radio DJ at his local community radio station, and is also developing his Hip-Hop career. He is fiercely motivated to try and learn new things and to gain experience in the voice-over world. he is most comfortable working in isiXhosa.
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